Greater Columbus Dahlia Society

ADS Gold Medal Awarded to Dick Westfall

The ADS Gold Medal is awarded to individuals who have made significant, enduring, and/or extraordinary contributions to the ADS.  This contribution reflects exceptional time, effort, dedication, financial support, or a combination of these, provided by a person to further the purposes and programs of the ADS.  On January 26, 2019, Lilly Ann Seipel, Recording Secretary of the Greater Columbus Dahlia Society, presented the ADS Gold Medal to Dick Westfall, President of the GCDS.



“Every organization is just as great as it members; however, to make all the wheels turn the proper way you need an individual that will coordinate everything so that things move smoothly.  We are indeed fortunate to have that person.  He is one of the top growers of dahlias in the country and if I had half of his knowledge about dahlias I would be lucky.

At one time I was privileged to work as secretary of the Midwest Dahlia Conference while he was president.  He worked side by side with me and the committee when we had two of the Midwest Shows that were held in Ohio.

He has outdone himself soliciting companies to donate money to our organization to help defray the expenses of holding our show every year.

It is my privilege to award the Gold ADS Medal to Dick Westfall, a man that truly deserves to have this honor.”